Sunday, May 24, 2020

Male Violence And Aggression Against Women - 2849 Words

Statement of the Project’s Research Question and Importance The topic of this research is male violence and aggression against women in the United States. My research question is â€Å"Is male violence against women dependent upon location and setting?† I am studying different forms of male violence or aggression against women because I want to discover the locations and settings in which females are most vulnerable and most oftentimes victimized. This knowledge will ultimately enable policymakers and advocates to better understand where and why these atrocities take place, as well as in what ways they affect American women. I believe an increased awareness amongst men and women alike will initiate changes in protecting women, as well as make†¦show more content†¦Statistics such as this are publicized so that policies can be developed and these victims can have greater advocacy, such as the 1991Violence Against Women Act in the United States (Goodman 1993). The informational document developed by the WHO as well as a report di scussing the current research being done on male violence against women states the most common forms of violence against women, the severe fatal and non-fatal health consequences of violence, and the factors that increase a woman’s risk of being a victim of violence (Garcia-Moreno 1993 and Goodman 1993). More recently, studies looking at abuse against women in the U.S., such as the 1996 National Violence Against Women (NVAW) Survey, seek to understand both women’s and men’s experiences with violence. The survey along with a report from the National Institute of Health (NIH)’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism discovered violence against women has grown exponentially in the past 20 years, especially in the area of intimate partner violence and sexual assault (Tjaden 2000 and Abbey). More specifically, the research done by the NIH focused primarily on male violence while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, suggesting that a majority of violent acts involve drugs and alcohol in settings where they are commonly found, such as college campuses and perhaps on dates. Other studies focus more on verbal harassment in the workplace Many researchers share frustrations over

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